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  PUBLIC NOTICE - To amend Borrowing By-Law for Fire Truck

        BY-LAW # 2008-003-01 - By-law to amend Borrowing By-law for Fire Truck

 PUBLIC NOTICE - 2014 Council Meeting Schedule

 PUBLIC NOTICE - Bylaw concerning the Rermuneration of Elected Municipal Officers 2014

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of by-law #2013-005

BY-LAW #2013-005 - By-Law Concerning Fire Protection

 PUBLIC NOTICE - The eligible voters having the right to be entered on the referendum list for the entire territory may request that the By-Law #102-2-2013 be subjected to a referendum

 PUBLIC NOTICE - The eligible voters having the right to be entered on the referendum list for zones Vfd-15, Vftd-25, Nv-18, Ru-16 and Vfd-23 may request that the By-Law #102-2-2013 be subjected to a referendum

 BY-LAW #102-2-2013 - Distinct By-law modifying Zoning By-Law Number 102

 PUBLIC NOTICE - Poll for the elections of November 3, 2013

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of by-law #2012-003-01

BY-LAW #2012-003-01 - By-Law to Modify By-Law Number 2012-003 to Set the Criteria for the Undertaking of Snow Removal and Sanding Operations for Private Roads

PUBLIC NOTICE - Revision of the municipal list of electors

PUBLIC NOTICE - Registration on the municipal list of electors

PUBLIC NOTICE - General Election of November 03, 2013

ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY - To Maintain a Safe and Secure Work Environment for All

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of by-law #2013-004

BY-LAW #2013-004 - By-Law to Modify By-Law #2009-002 Pertaining to Nuisances, Use and Encroachment on Public Roads

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of by-law #2013-003

 BY-LAW #2013-003 - By-Law to Increase the Amount of the Working Capital Fund

 PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the general collection roll for 2013

 PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of by-law #2013-001

 BY-LAW #2013-001 - By-Law to Set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and the Conditions of Their Collection For 2013 Financial Year

 PUBLIC NOTICE - 2013 Council Meeting Schedule


january 2025   
      1 2 3 4Ecocenter
5Ecocenter 6GarbageHeavy Objects 7 8 9 10 11Ecocenter
12Ecocenter 13RecyclingRegular Sitting 14 15 16 17 18Ecocenter
19Ecocenter 20Garbage 21 22 23 24 25Ecocenter
26Ecocenter 27Recycling 28 29 30 31  
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Road map of Wentworth

Road map of the MRC d'Argenteuil

WILD Policy

The municipalities of the MRC of Argenteuil