Wentworth Logo Wentworth

Health and Social Services

4Korners is a registered Canadian charitable organization founded in 2005. We connect English-speaking individuals of the Laurentians with programs and services to meet their identified needs in a secure and inclusive environment. We work collectively to serve and enrich the lives of communities in the Laurentian region.

1-888-974-3940 | 450-974-3940 ext. 601





Improving the HEALTH and WELL-BEING of English Speaking SENIORS in the Laurentians, Québec

La Citad'Elle: Source of reassurance and listening at the heart of a strong solidarity.
Site web (www.citadellelachute.ca)

You need help ?
You are wondering about your situation or that of a loved one ?
Chat with our team!

7 days a week. Confidential, quick, free.

One of the many challenges that women's shelters face is the difficulty in getting people in need to contact a resource for help. Although the SOS Violence Conjugale telephone number and affiliated organizations are widely publicized and awareness of violence against women is constantly growing, some people remain reluctant and hesitate to take action to get help.

A chat platform available
7 day a week, where people can initiate a discussion with a qualified counsellor in complete confidentiality and free of charge. An additional tool to encourage people who feel concerned by a situation of domestic violence to take action and reach out to a help resource. Spread the word in your network!

For more information, contact:

Marie Lévesque, communication agent
514 992-0224


To access their Website, click here (french only)

The '' Centre d’Aide Personnes Traumatisées Crâniennes et Handicapées Physiques Laurentides'' is a non-profit community organization that works with people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or people that live with a physical disability. Therefore, the  CAPTCHPL's mission is to facilitate the social integration of its members, using individual or group interventions and a diversity of educational and recreational activities. Among their services, they also offer support to the families. For more information, contact them at 1-888-431-3437 or by Email captchpl@videotron.ca .

We are really proud to announce that Wentworth is now... a MADA - Age-friendly Municipality!  The aim of the program is to facilitate the social inclusion of seniors and to set up structures to favour their active participation.

A special commitee has been created to establish policies for the seniors and set up an action plan.


 December 2014

November 2014

October 2014

September 2014

August 2014

July 2014

June 2014

   A proactive program

The MRC d'Argenteuil has your health at heart. From 2009 until 2013, the "My health in mind" program will assist the nine municipalities of Argenteuil in promoting a shift towards healthy changes.

Throughout the program, an environment favouring the development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle will be created. "My health in mind" will instigate actions encouraging you to follow, on a daily basis, a winning combination.

Municipal action plan of the "My health in mind" committee of Wentworth 2011-2014

  *Monthly Column*  

December 2013

November 2013

October 2013

August 2013

July 2013

June 2013 

May 2013

April 2013

March 2013

February 2013 

January 2013


january 2025   
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5Ecocenter 6GarbageHeavy Objects 7 8 9 10 11Ecocenter
12Ecocenter 13RecyclingRegular Sitting 14 15 16 17 18Ecocenter
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More news...


Road map of Wentworth

Road map of the MRC d'Argenteuil

WILD Policy

The municipalities of the MRC of Argenteuil