MRC PUBLIC NOTICE | Coming into effect of By-Law number 107-1-24, modifying regional By-Law number 107-22 on the management of natural and anthropogenic constraints, to govern interventions in and around wetlands (consult HERE - French only)
MRC PUBLIC NOTICE | Adoption of By-Law number 44-25-24, concerning the distribution of shared expenses pertaining to the MRC of Argenteuil's 2025 fiscal year, for the MRC's local municipalities (consult HERE - French only)
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2025 Council Meeting Schedule
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Meeting (Budget 2025) of December 16th, 2024 at 7pm
MRC PUBLIC NOTICE | Adoption of Internal governance By-Law number 114-24, concerning the proceedings of Council meetings (consult HERE - French only)
MRC PUBLIC NOTICE | Consultation on an amendment to the revised land use and development plan (consult HERE - French)
"RESOLUTION NUMBER 24-08-112, authorizing a dock construction project under the By-Law 2022-008 respecting Specific Construction, Alteration or Occupancy Proposals for an Immovable (SCAOPI 2024-001)"
PUBLIC NOTICE | Notice of Coming into effect: "Resolution number 24-08-112, authorizing a dock construction project under the By-Law 2022-008 respecting Specific Construction, Alteration or Occupancy Proposals for an Immovable (SCAOPI 2024-001)"
"BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-008-01, modifying Subdivision By-Law number 2018-008"
PUBLIC NOTICE | Notice of Coming into effect: "By-Law number 2018-008-01, modifying Subdivision By-Law number 2018-008"
"BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007-05, modifying the Zoning By-Law number 2018-007"
PUBLIC NOTICE | Notice of Coming into effect: "By-Law number 2018-007-05, modifying the Zoning By-Law number 2018-007"
"BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-006-01, modifying the Planning Program By-Law number 2018-006"
PUBLIC NOTICE | Notice of Coming into effect: "By-Law number 2018-006-01, modifying the Planning Program By-Law number 2018-006"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Assessment Roll for Fiscal Years 2024-2025-2026 (2nd fiscal year)
PUBLIC NOTICE - on September 18, 2024 (Draft by-law 107-1-24)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Sitting of Council (State of Emergency | Renewal) of August 15th, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Sitting of Council (State of Emergency) of August 11th, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE | Notice of coming into force | BY-LAW 2024-002, "By-Law concerning the protection of and access to bodies of water on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-002, "By-Law concerning the protection of and access to bodies of water on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-004, "By-Law concerning Fire Prevention"
PUBLIC NOTICE - To interested persons having the right to sign a request for participation in a Referendum (For all details, CLICK HERE)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Financial Report and Auditor's Report for the Fiscal Year 2023 at the Regular Sitting of Council to be held on Monday, April 8th, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Meeting of Council - March 25th, 2024 at 7pm
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2024
BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-003, "Borrowing By-Law decreeing the acquisition and installation of a washing station and a $100,000 loan"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-002, "By-Law concerning the protection of and access to bodies of water on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-006-01, modifying By-Law 2022-006 concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
PUBLIC NOTICE - ADOPTION OF "BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-006-01, modifying By-Law 2022-006 concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-001, "By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their Collection for 2024 Financial Year"
PUBLIC NOTICE - ADOPTION OF BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-001, "By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their Collection for 2024 Financial Year"
"BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-005, modifying By-Law number 2009-003 decreeing the imposition of tax for the funding of 9-1-1 emergency centers"
PUBLIC NOTICE | NOTICE OF COMING INTO EFFECT: "BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-005, modifying By-Law number 2009-003 decreeing the imposition of tax for the funding of 9-1-1 emergency centers"
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2024-001, By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their collection for 2024 Financial Year
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2024 Council Meeting Schedule
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Sitting (Budget 2024) of December 18th, 2023 at 7pm
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Meeting of November 23rd, 2023 at 7pm
BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-005, "By-Law modifying the By-Law number 2009-003 decreeing the imposition of tax for the funding of 9-1-1 Emergency Centers"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-004, "By-Law concerning the composition and internal governance of the Civil Security Committee"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2023-004, "By-Law concerning the composition and internal governance of the Civil Security Committee"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Assessment Roll for Fiscal Years 2024-2025-2026
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-006-01, "modifying the By-Law 2022-006 concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Meeting of August, 31th 2023 at 7pm
BY-LAW NUMBER 2016-004-01, "By-Law concerning the EcoLoan Program for the replacement of septic systems and sealing of wells"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2016-004-01, "By-Law concerning the EcoLoan Program for the replacement of septic systems and sealing of wells"
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-04, "By-Law concerning the composition and internal governance of the Civil Security Committee"
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2016-004-01, "By-Law modifying the By-Law concerning the EcoLoan Program for the replacement of septic systms and sealing of wells"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-011-01, "By-Law modifying the By-Law establishing the Planning Advisory Committee number 2018-011"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2018-011-01, "By-Law modifying the By-Law establishing the Planning Advisory Committee number 2018-011"
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-011-01, "By-Law modifying the By-Law establishing the Planning Advisory Committee number 2018-011"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-003, "By-Law to establish rates for the supply of goods and services"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2023-003, "By-Law to establish rates for the supply of goods and services"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2020-003-01, "By-Law modifying the Public Safety By-Law concerning Dog Control"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2020-003-01, "By-Law modifying the Public Safety By-Law concerning Dog Control"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Financial Report and Auditor's Report for the Fiscal Year 2022 at the Regular Sitting of Council to be held on Monday, April 3th, 2023
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect "By-Law numbers 2018-007-04-CONS-1, 2018-007-04-NV-26, 2018-007-04-RU-2 à 2018-007-04-RU-17, 2018-007-04-RU-24, 2018-007-04-RU-25, 2018-007-04-V-18 to 2018-007-04-V-23 and 2018-007-04-V-27, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007"
DISTINCT BY-LAWS (27), "By-Law numbers 2018-007-04-CONS-1, 2018-007-04-NV-26, 2018-007-04-RU-2 to 2018-007-04-RU-17, 2018-007-04-RU-24, 2018-007-04-RU-25, 2018-007-04-V-18 to 2018-007-04-V-23 and 2018-007-04-v-27, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect "By-Law number 2018-007-04, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007 (Residual By-Law)"
RESIDUAL BY-LAW, "By-Law number 2018-007-04, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007 (Residual By-Law)"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2023
BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-002, "By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2023-002, "By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-001, "By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their collection for 2023 Financial Year"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2023-001, "By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their collection for 2023 Financial Year"
SECOND DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007-04, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2023-002, "By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Draft By-Law number 2023-002, "By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials"
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2023 Council Meeting Schedule
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Sitting (Budget 2023) of December 19th, 2022 at 7pm
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-013, "By-Law establishing rates applicable to expenses incurred on behlf of the municipality of the Township of Wentworth, repealing and replacing By-Law number 2010-004"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-013, "By-Law establishing rates applicable to expenses incurred on behlf of the municipality of the Township of Wentworth, repealing and replacing By-Law number 2010-004"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Consultation Meeting, December 19th, at 6pm (First Draft By-Law - Urbanism)
FIRST DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007-04, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of October 27th, 2022 (Special Sitting)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-012, "By-Law determining the applicable standards for the construction of roads and bridges repealing By-Law number 2008-002"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-012, "By-Law determining the applicable standards for the construction of roads and bridges repealing By-Law number 2008-002"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-011, "By-Law respecting the internal management of meetings of the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth repealing By-Law number 52"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-011, "By-Law respecting the internal management of meetings of the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth repealing By-Law number 52"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Assessment Roll for the Financial Years of 2021-2022-2023
PUBLIC NOTICE - Regular Council Meeting - October 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of August 12th, 2022 (Special Sitting)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect of "By-Law number 2022-010, Minor Derogations"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect of "By-Law number 2022-009, Demolition of immovables"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect of "By-Law number 2022-008, By-Law on Specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposals for an immovable (SCAOPI)"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect of "By-Law number 2018-013-02, modifying By-Law on Site Layout and Architectural Integration Programs number 2018-013"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect of "By-Law number 2018-007-03, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-010, Minor Derogation By-Law number 2022-010
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-009, Demolition of Immovables By-Law number 2022-009
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-008, Specific Construction, Alteration or Occupency Proposals for and Immovable (SCAOPI) number 2022-008
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-013-02, modifying Site Layout and Architectural Integration Programs By-Law (SLAIP) number 2018-013
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007-03, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
- Annex 1 - Modified Specification Grids and Grid for the New Zone V-27 (Click HERE)
PUBLIC NOTICE - To interested persons having the right to sign a request for participation in a Referendum (For all details, CLICK HERE)
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-010-01, modifying Planning Administration By-Law number 2018-010
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2018-010-01, modifying Planning Administration By-Law number 2018-010
PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Consultation Meeting (First Draft By-Laws - Urbanism)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-007 enancting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-007, By-Law enancting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Financial Report and Auditor's Report for the Fiscal Year 2021 at the Regular Sitting of Council to be held on Monday, April 4th, 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Draft By-Law number 2022-007 enancting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-006, By-Law concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-006, By-Law concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of March 7th, 2022 (by reservation)
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-005, By-Law to establish rates for the supply of goods and services
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-005, By-Law to establish rates for the supply of goods and services
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-004, By-Law enancting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-004, By-Law enancting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of February 7th, 2022 (held in caucus)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Sitting of Council of January 27th, 2022 (held in caucus)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Draft By-Law number 2022-004 enancting the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-003, By-Law concerning the membership of the Township of Wentworth to the Act respecting the Pension Plan of Elected Officials (R.S.Q., c. R-9.3)
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-003, By-Law concerning the membership of the Township of Wentworth to the Act respecting the Pension Plan of Elected Officials (R.S.Q., c. R-9.3)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-002, By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-002, By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2022-001, By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their collection for 2022
BY-LAW NUMBER 2022-001, By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of their collection for 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of January 10th, 2022 (held in caucus)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Draft By-Law number 2022-002 regarding compensation of Elected Officials
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Sitting (Budget 2022) of December 13th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of December 6th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of November 1st, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of October 4th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the assessment roll for Fiscal Years 2021-2022-2023 / 2nd Fiscal Year
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of September 13th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of August 2nd, 2021
BY-LAW NUMBER 2021-003, By-Law for the Dog Park of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2021-003 "By-Law for the dog park of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-013-01, modifying Site Layout and Architectural Integration Programs By-Law number 2018-013
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect: By-Law number 2018-013-01
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007-02, modifying the Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
- Annex 1 - Uses and Standards Specification Grids per zone (Click HERE)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect: By-Law number 2018-007-02
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of July 5th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of June 7th, 2021 and presentation of the Highlights of the 2020 Financial Report, as well as the report of the external auditor
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of May 3rd, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the financial report and auditor's report for the Fiscal Year 2020 at the Regular Sitting of Council to be held on Monday, April 12th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of March 1st, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of February 1st, 2021
BY-LAW NUMBER 203 - By-Law submitted by the Municipality of the Township of Gore bearing the title "By-Law number 203 to decree the annexation of a part of the territory of the Township of Wentworth"
(with Annexe A) (french only)
PUBLIC NOTICE - To qualified voters within the "Chemin des Sapins" sector and concerned by lot numbers 4 877 790, 4 877 788, 4 877 789,4 877 784, 4 877 786 and 4 877 787
BY-LAW NUMBER 2021-001, "By-Law to set the Tax rates and Tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2021 Financial Year"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2021-001 "By-Law to set the Tax rates and Tariffs and condition of their collection for 2021 Financial Year"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of January 11th, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Sitting (Budget 2021) of December 14th, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of December 7th, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of November 2nd, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of October 5th, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the assessment roll for Fiscal Years 2021-2022-2023
BY-LAW NUMBER 2020-004, "By-Law repealing the By-Law number 2014-003-001 to set the criteria for the undertaking of Snow Removal and Sanding Operations for private roads"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2020-004 "By-Law repealing the By-Law number 2014-003-001 to set the criteria for the undertaking of Snow Removal and Sanding Operations for private roads"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of September 14th, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Meeting of August 3rd, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Meeting of Council of June 23rd, 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Requests for Minor Derogation / June 2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Highlights of the 2019 Financial Report
PUBLIC NOTICE - For the maintenance of winter roads and snow removal 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 with the possiblity of renewal for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial Report and Auditor's Report for the fiscal year 2019 (Regular Sitting of May 4th, 2020)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Regular Council Meeting - April 6th, 2020
BY-LAW NUMBER 2020-003, "Public Safety By-Law concerning Dog Control"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2020-003, "Public Safety By-Law concerning Dog Control"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect: By-Law number 2018-007-01
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2020
BY-LAW NUMBER 2020-002, "By-Law relating to the rate of transfer duties applicable to transfers where the Tax Base of imposition exceeds $500,000"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2020-002, "By-Law relating to the rate of transfer duties applicable to transfers where the Tax Base of imposition exceeds $500,000"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2020-001, "By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2020"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2020-001, "By-Law to set the Rax Rates and Tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2020"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007-01, modifying the Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2020 Council Meeting Schedule
ANNEX (Second Draft By-Law 2018-007-01): Zone RU-13 & RU-25 Grids
SECOND DRAFT BY-LAW number 2018-007-01, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
MAP of affected zones
PUBLIC NOTICE - Prensentation of Second Draft By-Law number 2018-007-01, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Meeting 2020 Budget
PUBLIC NOTICE - Council Special Meeting
ANNEX (First Draft By-Law 2018-007-01): Zone RU-13 & RU-25 Grids
FIRST DRAFT BY-LAW number 2018-007-01, modifying the Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Consultation Meeting: First Draft By-Law number 2018-007-01, modifying Zoning By-Law number 2018-007
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the Assessment Roll for the third Fiscal Year of the Triennial Roll 2018-2019-2020
PUBLIC SAFETY BY-LAW number RM 460-2019 concerning Safety, Peace and Good Order in public places
PUBLIC SAFETY BY-LAW number RM 450-2019 concerning Nuisances
PUBLIC SAFETY BY-LAW number RM 415-2019 concerning the Firing of Guns
PUBLIC SAFETY BY-LAW number RM 410-2019 concerning Dog Control
PUBLIC SAFETY BY-LAW number RM 220-2019 concerning Soliciting
PUBLIC SAFETY BY-LAW number RM 110-2019 concerning Alarm Systems
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption and Coming into Effect of Public Safety By-Laws (RM110-2019, RM220-2019, RM410-2019, RM415-2019, RM450-2019 & RM460-2019)
PUBLIC NOTICE - Minor Derogation DM 2019-80101
PUBLIC SAFETY DRAFT BY-LAW number RM 460-2019 concerning Safety, Peace and Good Order in public places
PUBLIC SAFETY DRAFT BY-LAW number RM 450-2019 concerning Nuisances
PUBLIC SAFETY DRAFT BY-LAW number RM 415-2019 concerning the Firing of Guns
PUBLIC SAFETY DRAFT BY-LAW number RM 410-2019 concerning Dog Control
PUBLIC SAFETY DRAFT BY-LAW number RM 220-2019 concerning Soliciting
PUBLIC SAFETY DRAFT BY-LAW number RM 110-2019 concerning Alarm Systems
PUBLIC NOTICE - Advanced time for the Regular Council Meeting for May 2019
DRAFT BY-LAW, «Draft By-Law number 2019-005 on agreements relating to muncipal work and guarantees concerning municipal works»
PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Consultation Meeting concerning the Draft By-Law 2019-005, "By-Law on agreements relating to municipal work and guarantees concerning municipal works"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Minor Derogation DM 2019-80104
PUBLIC NOTICE - Minor Derogation DM 2018-80013 and DM 2019-80102
PUBLIC NOTICE - Regular Council Meeting for April 2019
PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial report and auditor's report for the fiscal year 2018
BY-LAW 2019-004, ''Borrowing By-Law decreeing the acquisition of a vehicle and a $200 000 loan''
PUBLIC NOTICE for eligible voters on the elector's list for referendums of the municipality of the Township of Wentworth - By-Law number 2019-004, ''Borrowing By-Law decreeing the acquistion of a vehicle and a $200 000 loan''
PUBLIC NOTICE - CALL FOR TENDER NO 18-1834 / Construction of the new Town Hall
Public Notice - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2019
BY-LAW NUMBER 2019-003, By-Law to authorize expenses and enter into contracts
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2019-003, "By-Law to authorize expenses and enter into contracts"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2019-002, By-Law regarding the compensation of elected officials
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2019-002, "By-Law regarding compensation of Elected Officials"
BY-LAW NUMBER 2019-001, By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2019 Financial Year
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2019-001, "By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and condition of their collection for 2019"
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect for Planning By-Laws, "By-Law numbers 2018-006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 012, 013 & 014"
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2019-003, By-Law to authorize expenses and enter into contracts
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2019-002, By-Law regarding the compensation of elected officials
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2019-001, By-Law to set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2019 Financial Year
PUBLIC NOTICE - Presentation of the Project By-Law 2019-002, By-Law regarding the compensation of elected officials
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2019 Council Meeting Schedule
PUBLIC NOTICE - Budget for Fiscal Year 2019
BY-LAW 2012-004-02 modifying by-law 2012-004-01, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Municipal Employees
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of Code of ethics and good conduct for the employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth
PUBLIC NOTICE for eligible voters on the elector's list for referendums of the municipality of the Township of Wentworth - By-Laws number 2018-007 ''Zoning By-Law'', number 2018-008 ''Subdivision By-Law'' and number 2018-014 ''Conditional uses By-Law''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the assessment roll for the financial years of 2018-2019-2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Minor Derogation
2nd PUBLIC NOTICE - Acquiring a public road - Part of Charlie Chaplin Road
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-014, ''Conditional Usage By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-013, ''Site Layout and Architectural Integration Programs By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-012, ''Minor Derogation By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-010, ''Administration of the Urbanism By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-009, ''Building By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-008, ''Subdivision By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007, ''Zoning By-Law''
BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-006, ''Urban Plan By-Law''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Regular Council Meeting, date change for October 2018
Draft By-Law 2014-004-02 modifying By-Law number 2012-004-01 Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for municipal employees
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2012-004-02, By-Law modifying By-Law Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for municipal employees
PUBLIC NOTICE - CMQ, conformity of bylaws
PUBLIC NOTICE - Minor Derogations
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-014 on Conditional Uses
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-013 on Site Layout and Architectural integration plans
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-012 on Minor Derogations
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-010 on Urban Planning Administration
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-009 on Construction
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-008 on Subdivision
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-007 on Zoning
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-006 on Urban Plan
PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Consultation Meeting (First Draft By-Laws on the Urban Plan Program)
1st PUBLIC NOTICE - Acquiring a public road - Part of Charlie Chaplin Road
BY-LAW 2018-005, ''Borrowing By-Law to decree a loan in the amount of $375,725 to finance the construction of a new Town Hall''
PUBLIC NOTICE for eligible voters on the elector's list for referendums of the municipality of the Township of Wentworth - By-Law number 2018-005, ''Borrowing By-Law to decree a loan in the amount of $375,725 to finance the construction of a new Town Hall''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial Report and Auditor's Report for the Fiscal Year 2017
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law Number 101-1-2018, ''Modifying By-Law Number 101, Administration of Urban Planning''
BY-LAW 101-1-2018, ''Modifying By-Law Number 101, Administration of Urban Planning''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law Number 2018-004, ''By-Law concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth''
BY-LAW 2018-004, ''By-Law concerning the speed limits on the territory of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law Number 2018-003, ''By-Law concerning the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth''
BY-LAW 2018-003, ''By-Law concerning the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Draft By-Law, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials
DRAFT BY-LAW 2018-003, ''By-Law number 2018-003 Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials''
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-Law regarding compensation of elected officials
BY-LAW 2018-002, ''By-Law number 2018-002 regarding compensation of elected officials''
Public Notice - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2018
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-Law to set the tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2018
BY-LAW 2018-001, ''By-Law number 2018-001, to set the tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2018 financial year''
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2018 Council Meeting Schedule
PUBLIC NOTICE - Budget for fiscal year 2018
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-Law concerning the Remuneration of Elected Municipal Officers 2018
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the assessment roll for Fiscal Years 2018-2019-2020
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law 2017-003, ''regarding the removal and disposal of residual material''
BY-LAW No. 2017-003 : ''By-Law regarding the removal and disposal of residual material''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial report and auditor's report for the fiscal year 2016
BY-LAW No. 2017-002 : ''By-Law delegating an official or employee the power to form a selection committee''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law 2017-002, delegating an official or employee the power to form a selection committee
NOTICE OF COMING INFO EFFECT - BY-LAW No. 102-2016-1 : « By-Law modifying Zoning By-Law number 102 »
Public Notice - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2017
BY-LAW No. 2017-001 : ''By-Law to set the tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for the 2017 financial year''
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law 2017-001 to set the tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for the 2017 financial year
PUBLIC NOTICE - Budget for Fiscal Year 2017
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the asessment roll for the third fiscal year of the Triennial Roll 2015-2016-2017
BY-LAW No 2014-002-01 : « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2014-002-01, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
NOTICE OF COMING INTO EFFECT, BY-LAW No 2014-002-01 : « By-Law modifying By-Law number 20114-002, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
BY-LAW No 2012-004-01 : « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2012-004, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Municipal employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
NOTICE OF COMING INTO EFFECT, BY-LAW No 2012-004-01 : « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2012-004, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Municipal employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
DRAFT BY-LAW 2012-004-01: « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2012-004-01, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Municipal employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
PUBLIC NOTICE - DRAFT BY-LAW 2012-004-01, « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2012-004, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for Municipal employees of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
DRAFT BY-LAW 2014-002-01: « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2014-002, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
PUBLIC NOTICE - DRAFT BY-LAW 2014-002-01, « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2014-002, Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of the Municipality of the Township of Wentworth »
NOTICE OF COMING INTO EFFECT - By-Law 2016-002, « By-Law modifying By-Law number 2009-003 decreeing the imposition of tax for the funding of 9-1-1 emergncy centers »
BY-LAW 2016-006, By-Law fixing the fees payable for the celebration of a marriage or civil union
PUBLIC NOTICE - ADOPTION OF BY-LAW 2016-006, « By-Law fixing the fees payable for the celebration of a marriage or civil union »
SECOND DRAFT BY-LAW 102-2016: By-Law number 102-2016, modifying Zoning By-Law number 102
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of the Second Draft By-Law number 102-2016, « Second Draft By-Law number 102-2016, modifying Zoning By-Law number 102 »
ANNEXE A of By-Law 2016-005
BY-LAW 2016-005, Borrowing By-Law to decree a loand for the operation of the EcoLoan Program for the replacement of septic systems and sealing of wells
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number2016-005, « Borrowing By-Law to decree a loan concerning the EcoLoan Program for the replacement of septic systems and sealing of wells »
BY-LAW 2016-004, By-Law concerning the EcoLoan Program for the replacement of septic systems and sealing of wells
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law number 2016-004, « By-Law concerning the Ecoloan Program for the replacement of septic systems and sealing of wells »
PUBLIC NOTICE - Public consultation meeting - Municipal Spring
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Meeting of Council: Deliberations and question period for the first project By-Law 102-2016 «By-Law 102-2016 modifying zoning By-Law 102» and «Approval for work to the Municipal Spring»
FIRST DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 102-2016 - By-law number 102-2016 modifying zoning By-Law number 102
PUBLIC NOTICE Public consultation meeting - Draft By-Law number 102-2016
PUBLIC NOTICE - Special Meeting of June 14th 2016 (Deliberations of the Council and question period on the By-Law 20.16-004, concerning EcoLoan program)
Schedule B of By-Law 2016-003
Schedule A of By-Law 2016-003
BY-LAW 2016-003, borrowing By-Law to decree a loan in the amount of $27,552 to finance the upgrading of Pouliot Rd
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law 2016-003, Borrowing By-Law
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law 2016-002, modifiant By-law 2009-003 decreeing the imposition of tax for the funding of 9-1-1 emergency centers
PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for tender no 76035-2016-002 for the rehabilitation of the roads / Du Paradis and Ross
PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial report and auditor's report for the fiscal year 2015
Public Notice - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2016
BY-LAW No. 2016-001 - By-law to set the tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2016 financial year
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law 2016-001 to set tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for the 2016 financial year
BY-LAW 2015-003 - By-law modifiying By-law 2011-002-01 regarding compensation of elected officials
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law 2015-003 to modify By-law 2011-002-01 regarding compensation of elected officials
PUBLIC NOTICE - Holiday Schedule 2015-2016 / Municipal Office
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law concerning Remuneration for Elected Municipal Officers 2016
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2016 Council Meeting Schedule
PUBLIC NOTICE - Budget for Fiscal Year 2016
PUBLIC NOTICE - Final report «Intervention 2015 Municipality of Wentworth» - Claude Grenier Ressources Humaines Inc.
PUBLIC NOTICE - Report on the financial situation for 2015
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the assessment roll for the financial years of 2015-2016-2017
BY-LAW 2015-002-01 - By-law modifying 2015-002 for the protection of waterbodies and access to Lake Louisa
PUBLIC NOTICE - Coming into effect By-law 2015-002-01
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law 2015-002-01
DRAFT BY-LAW 2015-002-01 - for the protection of waterbodies and access to Lake Louisa
PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for Tender no 76035-2015-02 snow removal
BY-LAW 2015-002 - for the protection of waterbodies and access to Lake Louisa
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law 2015-002
Public Notice - Deposit of the General Collection Roll for the year 2015
BY-LAW 2015-001 - to set the tax rates and tariffs and conditions of their collection for 2015 financial year
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law 2015-001
BY-LAW 2014-003-001 to modify the criteria fort the undertaking of snow removal and sanding operations for private roads
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the assessment roll for fiscal years 2015-2016-2017
PUBLIC NOTICE - Eligible voters having the right to be on the elector's list for referendums for By-law 2014-004
BY-LAW 2014-004 - Borrowing By-Law to Decree a Loan to finance the acquisition of Lac Roger Dam
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption du règlement 2014-003
BY-LAW 2014-003 - For the undertaking of snow removal and sanding operations for private roads
PUBLIC NOTICE - Regular Council Meeting for April 2014
PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial report and auditor's report 2013
PUBLIC NOTICE - Notice of coming into effect of Town Planning By-Laws
BY-LAW 102-2-2013 - Modifing zoning By-Law number 102
PUBLIC NOTICE - Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected
DRAFT BY-LAW NUMBER 2014-002 - By-Law concerning the code of ethics and good conduct for the elected officials.
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the general collection roll for the year 2014
PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-Law # 2014-001
BY-LAW 2014-001 - By-Law to Set the Tax Rates and Tariffs and Conditions of Their Collection for 2014 Financial Year
PUBLIC NOTICE - 2014 Council Meeting Schedule